Saturday, March 11, 2006

fun & post fun

You know I how love a saturnalia... I can't rave enough about the fantastic show & performance Ridykeulous that opened on Friday night at Participant Gallery. It was worth fighting the masses of humanity at the opening to glimpse the brilliant and beloved Corn Cub & her cohorts performing a hilarous & surreal "L Word" beat-down. I heard that the performance video will be included in the L Word DVD "extras" for this season.

Huge props to Corny and Ms. Andry for knocking it way the hell out of the park! And anyone who didn't make the opening, you can still check out the show... be sure to spend some time with the wonderful video by Mrs. Cub.

The after-party was a complete free-for-all bacchanal... MM has invented some new dance moves, which were revealed there. I am practicing at home in front of the mirror, but I think you have to be truly "of the mountain" to do them any justice. Sloths tend to be slow learners & awkward dancers.

The come-down: What better, more self-punishing way to spend the inevitable *morning after* a night of delirious abandon than to visit an art fair? Pulse seemed like a promising, low-impact candidate.

As per FB's tip, the Jennifer Dalton piece at Plus Ultra set the tone for the rest of the fair. Theme = humorous auto-critique. Sort of a more overt Danica Phelps plus funny. Dalton's installation was a wall-sized case with tiny figurines of art collectors with their income-producing activities printed on plinths, and their art-collecting fetish categories on little shopping bags.

William Powhida at Schroder Romero had a group of drawings in the same vein, but more diaristic. There was a very memorable drawing (or hex?) of (on?) Zach Feuer.

Simon English, who was represented by Fred, had a few large collaged-together drawings that were entertaining, self-mocking fun, a little derivative, and just about ruined by their overformal presentation.

There was tons of other stuff, which included a lot of painting. Refreshing... but weirdly, none of them (the paintings) really
stood out.

The whole show took about an hour and a half to see... it had the usual product-driven feeling, the shill aspect of all art fairs, but that comes as no surprise. Through Mon., 25th Street & Lexington Ave.


At 12:01 PM, Blogger Corny said...

Thanks for thumbs up review. You always have the inside track on L Word DVD releases which is so cool!

MM's dance moves were ass-tounding. I liked in particular the sort of zombie move and also the shrimp move when she got all small like.
I wish she would conduct classes at Crinch or Crunch... I'd rejoin faster then a fat kid eating McNuggets (I got that line from a Steward on Continental!)

The artfair doesn't sound 1/2 bad, thanks for posting picks. Do you have more? Maybe Pics of MM's paintings? Interesting that two of the pieces you post are refering back to the art world, we're so navel gazey sometimes. Or something?
I love the hex.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger sloth said...

After Ridykeulous, the Pulse show seemed so tame & domesticated... I want to say the pulse was weak, patient not doing so well, but it may just be relative.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger sloth said...

corny, MM's paintings are at the Armory, which is too big a wad of art fair for me to consume at this time... small bites are all I can manage for now.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like rambling.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do I

At 12:34 PM, Blogger sloth said...

gotta go to the pain arena today... body is very angry with me & acting out.

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm divorcing you.

At 12:53 PM, Blogger sloth said...

I love my pain arena; it's like a freize of life... there are little babies in the pool and old people too; I always see this man in the weight room who is in his 90s at least, maybe he is 100 - not exaggerating - working out on the machines. It makes me happy to see him there. Unless he's on a machine that I want to use, then I wrestle him to the ground.

At 4:12 PM, Blogger sloth said...

Seen today on the mangle: blonde girl with ponytail & wide butt; MINNESOTA emblazoned across the ass of her sweat pants. By way of explanation.

At 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need me and you know it. bend over and pucker up, honey.

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That little tuft of hair at the top of Zach's head in the hex drawing cracks me up. I defaced the picture with a Sharpie by coloring in his tooth, but now I have this spot on my computer monitor that won't come out.

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sloth, was the whole state name across the ass or was it just partial like "inneso"?

At 10:02 PM, Blogger sloth said...

No Krix, it was the whole state:


just like that, probably room for Wisconsin, too.

At 11:53 PM, Blogger sloth said...

one more pic: Pearl Albino selling for Torch Gallery in Amsterdam. Philip Akkerman self-portraits in the background. I met the dealer and found out that I have been mispronouncing "Munch." No hard "c."

Pearl unfailingly sends the funniest custom e-birthday cards to ol' Slothy, year after year. Which is amazing, because I don't even remember when my own birthday is, let alone hers.

At 12:06 AM, Blogger sloth said...

yeah, but like "moonch." I think I'll probably continue to mispronounce it, though. Like Van Gogh. His paintings are too great to sound like you're in need of the Heimlich maneuver every time you say his name...

At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noodle. And that's Heimlich without the hard C.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger fairy butler said...

I am so sorry that I missed the ridykeulous. It sounds amaZing. And you know how i love to dork dance. even break dance. fryday was too much for me with the art staring all day long. GRRRR.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger fairy butler said...

i rarely flake out but in this case it had to be.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger sloth said...

Fairy, I am the queen flake; was supposed to go see Maxi Geil last night & bagged it, even though I was at the studio & not too far away from the venue.

You and PD were sorely missed Friday! It was a full-contact dork-dance extravaganza with flying body parts and fountains of blood... you would have loved it.

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI!!!!! Great post Slothy. My computer has been in the shack where I have not been. So no bloggy for me.

In fact I am still in a coma. My days were filled with auto-recovery of deleted files from the night before and my nights were filled with delete elixirs. I want to heal and be normal again, I want my brain to come back inside my head and get out of my pants.

Maxi Geil!!!!! I AM IN LOVE WITH GUY RICHARD SMIT. You heard it here first. He is quite a performer - Sloth if I knew you were thinking of coming I would have called would have been more fun with you there for certain. His wife is 7 months pregnant, was singing back up, wearing a t-shirt that said "i miss cocaine." She was incredible too.

At 11:53 AM, Blogger sloth said...

oh my GOD FUCK, I wish I had known you were gonna be there..... !!!!!!!!!!!!
woulda gone fer sure.
I am kicking myself in the ass in a double-jointed fashion right now.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do either of you have that cd? I heard a few songs and love it...maybe one of yous can burn it?

At 12:51 PM, Blogger fairy butler said...

yeah, i want a copy too.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger sloth said...


At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »


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