Thanks for the grocery tip Sloth. I'll try one if I can eat it with the wrapper on. It doesn't look like an egg and it shouldn't taste like one either.
Sloth, the tube egg!!! I have only heard rumors of its existence, never seen proof, shrink-wrapped tubular extruded proof. I am impressed. Sloth-Sleuth wins again.
yoga mat or super omelet, you decide.
Be sure you get your RDA of extruded foods, kids!
Egg Roll Ups! Yummy. Or is it Egg Leather? Very tasty.
Gourm-eggths taste jutht like mom uthta make um.
Wouldn't mind a thid of Thlimjimths with that order.
Thankths Thlotherths!
yr welcome, thumbody!
y'know thumbody, I sound just like you when I have a Gourm-Egg in my mouth.
um, that was REALLY not meant to be as suggestive as it came out.
wathusth thaup guk, thulmpthath gak th
lol, god , zing wizz, right over my head... but now I see you ARE full of inuendo. Please don't deny it.
Is that gorm-egg on you cheek?
these also double as water wings.
oh yeah, the foam thing... I think it's actually called a "noodle." Synchronicity.
IS that gourm-egg in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
I actually bought one of these thinking it was a yoga mat--boy did i have yolk on my face.
they're particularly good for the lower back massage; you just need a towel to protect the carpet.
Thanks for the grocery tip Sloth. I'll try one if I can eat it with the wrapper on. It doesn't look like an egg and it shouldn't taste like one either.
Sloth, the tube egg!!! I have only heard rumors of its existence, never seen proof, shrink-wrapped tubular extruded proof. I am impressed. Sloth-Sleuth wins again.
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