ol' slothy got hit with a fat wad of slime recently; I'm afraid it might be permanently adhered by way of pitting plus osmosis. According to the Helpful Hints of MamaSloth, chewing gum can be removed more easily by first freezing it with icecubes; maybe this will work with the goo? Plan "B" = dermabrasion with a wire brush.
Sloths maybe just relax into the slime instead of tryng to remove it, be one with the slime, it's all for the goo.
oh i've been trying corns; pretending it's like a kind of seaweed kelp spa treatment or some such shit, but the ick keeps asserting itself into areas of the sloth where it don't belong, getting gummed up in the fur & such. Where I can score some lye?
let's play stinkyfinger. i'll go fist.
Oh SLothers you need a massive hose-down. Just go to your local firehouse and ask someone to do the honors
puddin, you'll go fist? the slime should help for lubrication.
I'm trying to figure out which would be worse, literal or metaphorical slime?
Sloth, what was the point of origin of the slime? Did it come from a nasty foe? I'd be happy to slime them back for you.
JD! thank you, jd. You are a true-blue slimefighter. The source of the slime was a rape-finger type of source, a five-finger-discount source, in a beige context. Slothbits were twiddled uninvitedly, and there was no time to sharpen teeth for the biting, or to flense the slime-hose. So the focus in on future situational avoidance strategies.
Whoa, being slimed in a beigy context is the worst way to be slimed. Stay vigilant.
two words: "holiday party." the most horrible words known to man.
jd, i thought of you today, saw a spinner-wheel game called "Yes, You're Probably Dying." It matched symptoms up with possible diseases, from "most likely" to "worst case scenario"... I think I would be grabbing for it daily.
OMG!! I hope you snapped it up; sounds like the best Xmas present EVER.
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