Dept. of Cancel my Check
why oh why did I waste valuable DVR space this week on
ART 21? Verily, it sucked. Okay, Judy Pfaff was kinder interesting, but the rest...? the mole on my left bum cheek could program more interesting arts content!

Laurie Simmons' puppetry of the badness.
Made me weep tears of boredom.

Pierre Huyghe. I hereby declare a moratorium on the use of deer in art.

More Huyghe. What's next... mimes?
I am thinking this must be a proud moment for Jesse Helms.
I don't understand... past episodes did not suck so very hard...?
p.s. the antidote can be found here:
you, sir, are an anti-puppetite.
i watched it too. i was kind of impressed by judy pfaff. i didn't know she was such a badass - always thought she sucked but i like her now. lari pittman could be cool if he didn't have that dumb cactus garden that he calls "a metaphor." pierre blows so bad... boring town squared to the max.
sorry if too blunt
Agreed about JPfaff, badass is the word exactly!
I like cactus gardens... years ago I went to a botannical garden near Phoenix, it was like being on an alien planet, super cool, with crazy cacti of all types... some huge, some small & looking like brains, sea creatures, etc. But Lari Pittman's cactus garden is like Versailles, with regulation-looking barrel cactus all lined up in rows... kind of misses the point. I imagine he goes out there daily with a riding crop and beats any rogue individualism out of them.
Friday was my birthday and Im pissed because my man got snubbed by South Carolina. Watch my video on YouTube and call them and protest.
my video
Oh dear, those deer. Cute in nature; freaking annoying in art.
I fell asleep and missed Judy Pfaff. I watched the Bachelor last night and fell asleep to that too.
i had a friend who painted deer for, like, years. it was tough.
hammy, don't you work the nights? did you switch to a regular sched?
I leave work at 8pm now, but sometimes I pretend to throw up and just leave. That's top secret. I hate myself for watching bachelor.
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