A Sloth Asks

To my eye, the Capt'n's Roast was a smashingly good time; the food was great, the peeps were the best possible peeps, the conversation flowed, nobody did anything embarrassing, and all was well with the world. So how is it that, the next day, so many attendees (myself included) have these weird nagging feelings of guilt about our behavior? Wazzup with that? It wasn't the tequila... Mr. AH stuck with beer and he also shared in this phenom. And it definitely wasn't unique to this particular party, either; it happens all the time.
I'm going to go burn some sage now.
possible answer: punishment for having Too Much Fun.
It almost seems to have an inverse relationship to the amount of actual misbehavior. Which can only mean we have to step up the level of debauchery in the future. Maybe there's a class at the Y.
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i'm the worst with this sloth. i freely admit. & I think you're onto something cause when the fb jumps off the deep end somehow the focus the next day is just on not feeling sick rather than whatever came out of my mouth and/or my many personality disorders.
i think we were all just excited about seeing the cali peeps and wanted to be on our best behavior.
if i was wearing my lavender cock sweatshirt i wouldve been protected from the self-lacerations later i bet.
can I just say I REALLY want that sweatshirt. If I saw that lady on the street I'd mug her for it.
hmm. i think there's a correlation between how fabulous everyone is and the level of self-loathing. all i know is i left the other night thinking "holy shit these people are the coolest folks EVER." seriously. the COOLEST EVER.
so i don't know what the eff you ladies are talking about. you are all fucking totally rad and shit. i almost crap my pants with happiness every time i see you guys.
how you like my language?
dagnabit! you guys are the most coolio.
FUNZ x 1,000. And although I feel guilty that I got all the lap dances, it did not make me enjoy them any less! A greater group of peeps cannot be found anywhere! I'll stake my cock sweatshirt on it.
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