white heat

^---Click here to see images from Dubz' fabulous show at Sixtyseven Gallery! Sorry there are no pics of the opening; I fergotz to bring my camera, but believe me it was ballz-out fun. The paintings are amazing, virtuosic, stupendous; I tried in vain to decide which one was my fave, and believe me if I was a rich slothy I'd buy out the whole damn show. The sculptures are standout too; streetsmart & playful with a touch o' the goth about them. Dubzy, I'm glad I knows ya...
I took some detail shots, too. lurve that paint handling. It's so sexxy I'd maybe call it "paint fondling."
slothy yoo are the best. i actually was at 67 yesterday and saw your name in the book. very awesome!
okay, the album she is visible now. ogle away!
Sloth, thanks for posting these; my appetite is now thoroughly whetted to go see these in person.
SQUISH! Beautiful shots Slothy. I relived the magic. I will be going back again (and again).
hi JD! I hope you are still alive, and your sanity intact, after your brutalizing week of beigeness.
PD, i squish you... right in the sweet spot.
Nice Blog, some interesting info and thoughts, a bit radical for me at times but thats ok.
Nice Blog, some interesting info and thoughts, a bit radical for me at times but thats ok.
anonymous, by "radical" do you mean "dirty?" 'cuz that's what I'm shooting for.
speaking of radical, you apparently had a 3-hour-long hiccup in the middle of the night...
must be ambien. if you take it with vodka it makes you wake up and repeat yourself all night.
sloth blog = dirty, like sex dirty
ambien+ vodka =instant blackout!
I hear the kids at my pain factory like to take ambian as a party drug, one takes it before one goes out
That orange sculpture make me feel tingley.
Does anyone want to do a gallery crawl with me this week? Sloths? Dubz? anyone? Maybe thursday?
put me down as a tentative "hellz yeah," corny. If I get back from parts north in time.
these ambien parties, corn, I don't know... slow-motion parties? sounds a little lame-o... maybe if you wash it down with a gallon of straight taurine.
I think it's more like dropping acid.
We could do Friday crawl too?
Friday might be betta; Thursday night is the SPIN ART dance-o-rama-and-bratwurst-fest at Lorelei, starring DJ AdHoc, a.k.a. DJ MrSlothy, with special guest Erik Parker. To which you are all instructed to go and get your party on. Thursday marathon gallery-hop + Spin Art = Slothy in traction, maybs.
taurine. I like the sounds of this drink. I bet it's delish mixed with a jigger of purple cool-aid
Friday 'tis then. Yea! Lets get our giant sunglasses on and talk in loud voices about our summers in San Moritz and Ibiza
DJMrSlothy! Thats catchy
Okay, I'm spraying myself with fake tan stuff now. Er, I didn't have any of that stuff... orange Rust-Oleum will work, right?
I'm off to the arena of pain, cuz there just isn't quite enuf of it in normal daily life...
orange Rust-Oleum works great! just make sure to leave the neck area unsprayed. I'm getting my earing holes nice and streached out with lead fishing sinkers.
NOW THATS HOW A SHOW IS DONE!!! Im starting a WW fan club.
As a member of the State of ??? and City of ??? I apologize for the pathetic state of art appreciation in my State. We should never expect assembly line workers to become cultured. Stay in NY.
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