log world
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
I've fallen & I can't get up...

Speaking of gbad... this was presented by a graduating senior during a Final Review at the end of last term. It is a promotional card. She wanted to use it for her burgeoning illustration practice.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
so a goethe walks into a bar...

"I have entered an inn toward evening, and, as a well-favored girl, with a brilliantly fair complexion, black hair, and a scarlet bodice, came into the room, I looked attentively at her as she stood before me at some distance in half shadow. As she presently afterward turned away, I saw on the white wall, which was now before me, a black face surrounded with a bright light, while the dress of the perfectly distinct figure appeared a beautiful sea-green."
-J.W. von Goethe
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Cream colored ponies & schnitzel with noodles
a journey from the past to the present:
Slothy recommends . . .
. 1 .

The teens in "Freaks and Geeks" are not looking back, all wistful and wise, at their youth, or reading their most secret diary passages to us. The kids on "Freaks and Geeks" are living in the moment, numb from the trauma of being picked on by bullies, made fun of by the popular crowd and misunderstood by parents and teachers. They don't have the self-awareness to reflect deeply on their lives; they're putting one foot in front of the other, like prison inmates, crossing the days off until their sentence is up. -Salon.comWhich pretty much sums up the adolescent experience of ol' slothy! The show was written by Paul Feig (who grew up 3 miles away from me in suburban Detroit) and Judd Apatow. The teenagers on the show are played by actual teens for the most part, and the geeks are painfully geeky. Despite the fact that it only survived for one season, F&G won some big awards and has been the launch-pad for lots of careers. Watch the intro* for names you might recognize. If you still have any doubts about it, check out the user rating on IMDB. It is a mystery how a show this good ended up on network television.
*(That Joan Jett intro song always reminds me of the great Peaches version, I Don't Give A Fuck,** and I sometimes can't restrain myself from shouting the lyrics at the TV whenever we watch Freaks & Geeks, much to the irritation of those around me...)
**(sorry for the bad video...)
<---This huge sculpture of Joe Louis's Fist is aimed squarely at the Detroit River. There really ought to be a corresponding Giant Sphincter on the opposite shore in Winsor, Canada.
. 2 .

Admittedly I'm a little late coming to this band... sorry if this is old news. But if you haven't heard it yet, I command you to check out LCD's ruefully comedic song Losing My Edge. <---(Warning: there are a few seconds of chaotic noise at the beginning that you have to get through, but it's worth it. Also, this is an 8-minute song, so if you're ADD-afflicted, be sure to take your Ritalin™ first... again, worth it.) Then, for a sweet antidote to all that irony, I recommend bathing your cochleae in Someone Great.
And for all you proud NORTH AMERICANS out there, please rise and sing the national anthem...
. 3 .
Here is some More Musix with exciting and foreshadowy punctuation!!!

. 4 .
Okay, now cue the trumpets...

*House of YAY*
Don't miss the review in Art in America this month of JD's solo show last spring in Miyammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Dept. of Cancel my Check
why oh why did I waste valuable DVR space this week on
ART 21? Verily, it sucked. Okay, Judy Pfaff was kinder interesting, but the rest...? the mole on my left bum cheek could program more interesting arts content!

Laurie Simmons' puppetry of the badness.
Made me weep tears of boredom.

Pierre Huyghe. I hereby declare a moratorium on the use of deer in art.

More Huyghe. What's next... mimes?
I am thinking this must be a proud moment for Jesse Helms.