This is the story of a momentary and disorienting apparition. We are enjoying a dinner of delicious pizza at Patsy's. It's kind of dark in there. At a nearby table sit a man and a woman with their little... little... what? WHAT is THAT? The hand is moving, grabbing for pizza, but the face! Giant, oversized eyes float on a small, distorted head. There are bizarre, wide-set nostrils and... horns? I stare in wonder. It is a mutant of unimaginable... Wait -- no. It's just a kid with her large fleshy pony-doll blocking the view of her actual, normal face.
This is what I saw:
Did I mention that it was dark? No, I was not drunk. Not really.
The doll was a "My Little Pony." It comes with a diaper. While most toy animals are plush, to make them appear furry and mamalian, My Little Pony has waxy, smooth skin, to make it seem more human.
Thank you, Little Pony, for that brief moment of absolute belief in big-eyed mutants.
P.S. Here is the thalidomide, fetal version, as promised: