^----(click to see the whole album)
Hullo, we're back from the wilds, completely wrung out and exhausted from the fam-a-thon. At the last minute Hyena and I were put up at a
friend's house in Truro: a truly amazing Italian-style villa overlooking Pilgrim Lake and Provincetown harbor. Very un-Capey, but who's complaining? They were out of town, so we had the whole place to ourselves. The absolute high point of the weekend was a visit from Corny, Mrs. Cub, Dubz, and Mr. Dubz on Saturday night for drinx. Afterwards we went out for some chow at the local clam-shaq and took a walk around crazycrazy Ptown. Dubz re-discovered her "friend" the monument, and we descended on the army-navy store for a try-on extravaganza. It was big fun, but truth be told, certain persons were missed...